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Benefits and Comparison of Board Portal Features

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Board portals are an excellent option for companies who want to streamline their meeting preparations and enhance the way they communicate with directors from a distance, and elevate governance to a whole new level. Finding the right company requires a thorough review of your company’s needs and budget. This article will outline the advantages and comparison of features of boards portals that will aid you in making an informed decision.

The primary benefits of using software for managing boards include convenience and efficiency. E-boardrooms are accessible on any device and save on shipping and courier fees. They also eliminate the requirement to print physical copies and allow boards to work with tools they are already familiar with.

A reputable board management software should also include advanced security features, including encryption of data. This guarantees that malware and hackers are unable to read sensitive data. Another thing to look for is a complete audit trail that gives a step-by-step record of all data activities and makes it easy to identify any suspicious activity.

Lastly, a board portal should offer an easy-to-use interface with clear icons and navigation as well as the ability to modify your dashboard. It is required to be accessible on all devices that include desktop computers, smartphones and tablets. It will also allow you to attach important documents to agenda items and also create draft minutes after the meeting with a single click. Some of the top service providers offer additional features like an online drafter and a document repository and secure cloud storage.