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Using a Data Room for Investment Deals

A digital platform, an investment data room, enables investors to review documents from the company. This tool assists in speeding the due diligence process and can help a founder show professionalism and transparency to potential investors.

A high-end virtual deal room can also help with tracking and reporting on investor activity. A VDR will provide you with an overview of the statistics on usage that will inform you what frequency and where your information is accessible.

The most important documents that startup companies can include in their investor data rooms are legal documents, financial projections and business model presentations. These documents will provide investors with a clear picture of the company’s performance and give a solid image of the company’s operations.

Other important documents startup companies can include in an investor data space include a pitch deck as well as whitepaper. These documents can be used to explain how your product or service solves a problem or issue, how you’ve vetted the market, and whether your product or service is effective in solving the specific problem.

Founders should also consider establishing different investor data rooms based on the level of their interaction with potential investors. You can limit the amount of information you divulge and only include documents that are relevant. This is beneficial in building trust with investors as you will only share information that you believe is important.